Friday, April 16, 2010

Mom's words...

Well, yesterday 4/15 was our first day of working @ the Orlando temple as Officiators. We had to leave our apt @ 5:30am. It was wonderful. We met alot of really neat people and I can't believe how many serving there are from Utah. Brother Decker is not from Utah, but his son, Jay Decker works for State Bank in Cedar City, which I know. That was cool, small world. I met the cutest elderly sister, Sister Joy Andrews. I believe she is Italian. She was helping me with some memorization. After about 10 minutes, she told me that was enough and that I needed to rely on the Lord more. Sure enough, as soon as I put the notes away, I could do it. I know the hands of the Lord were helping. It takes about 1200 people to operate the Orlando Temple. I never realized everything that goes on, it's amazing. Dad & I both felt overwhelmed when our shift was over, but we are going to love it. After that we drove to DISNEYWORLD, about 5 miles from the temple, and spent the afternoon in the Magic Kingdom. It was so crowded, so we only stayed about 3 hrs. We rode Splash Mountain and that is the wettest I have ever gotten. We had a great day together. We didn't get home until just before 10. Well today is laundry day & cleaning day for me. See those things never stop, even doing the Lords work.

1 comment:

Kendall and Mitzi said...

So excited to see this blogg! Kendall and I felt so bad we missed seeing you before you left. We just want you to know we love you and look forward to seeing all the great work you are doing! Love the Sullivans.