Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Making a Delivery

These 2 pictures were taken when we delivered our things to the Osceola Council for Aging Volunteer Center.

Standing is Sister Jenson, myself, Sister Welch and Sister Randall. Sister Brown is taking the picture so she is not in it. We deliver things about every 3 months. This particular time we have approx $1200. worth of items we were donating.

After delivery we spent 2 hours @ Joann's Fabric store getting new supplies then went to lunch. It was a great day out with the Sisters.

1 comment:

Hannah and Curtis said...

Tiffany! I hope it is okay that I found this blog! Your parents are wonderful people (I'm sure you know that ;) I'm so glad you are doing this! I hope it's okay if I keep checking back!